Robin and Crystal Kennedy are one of our favorite couples at Ferguson Fitness who continue to make a huge positive impact on our team and the entire community! Crystal is the manager at Fleet Feet Roanoke and Robin is a healthcare training consultant. Both of them started with us as clients 4 years ago and both are now coaching and leading workouts!
Crystals favorite class to teach is Spartan SGX because...well she’s in charge . But her favorite class to take is Dekafit. Robin’s current fave is Stronger Together because she is enjoying learning more about strength training and because it’s a fun social hour too
What do you love most about our gym?
Crystal- The people. They are more than gym members; they are family.
Robin- The way we encourage each other both in and out of the gym.
What’s a favorite workout, event or memory you’ve had?
Crystal-Endure (special endurance program she and Coach Jesse co-led). All of the sessions and participants.
Robin- ANY Spartan Race we’ve attended. I love everything about race day: the pre-race nerves and anticipation, the race itself and the post-race beverage (diet coke for me!) and food. I miss races!
What’s your biggest accomplishment since joining?
Crystal - Personal: 2019 Carolina Spartan Ultra. Robin says “It was freezing cold and pouring rain and she completed 30 miles by herself with a smile on her face! It was incredible to witness!”
As a coach, Crystal has loved being a part of people finishing their first race.
Robin- My biggest accomplishment is finding joy in running.Before joining FergiFit, I was long-time heavy smoker. During our first few months, I couldn’t run the length of the park without stopping. Now I love to run and miss it when life gets in the way. I’ll never be the fastest runner but, I am one of the happiest!
What do you want others to know about Ferguson Fitness?
Crystal- “Surrounding yourself with this group of people makes you want to be better. They say you’re the average of the people you hang out with. FergiFit peeps make my average go way up!”
Robin- “Racing and training at FF has just reinforced the idea that hard work can take you a long way. Whether I’m putting in the right amount of effort is so apparent when I test it out on obstacles or a run or weights. It’s a lesson that I’ve held tightly to in my everyday life.
Like so many others, working out started as a way for me to lose weight. I was focused solely on looking a certain way. When we started racing, though, my thinking began to shift a little. When we're training for a race, I'm not as focused on how much I weight or what I look like; I'm worried about whether I can get across the monkey bars in the rain, carry my sandbag up a ski slope, or clear the 7-foot wall without needing to stand on Dan Cole's shoulders. Body image still takes up space in my mind, (and I'm always trying to find my good angles for those Spartan bucket photos!), but it takes up much less space now. I had to make room for thoughts about my strength, and race strategy, and proper fueling.”